Thursday, November 6, 2008

Racism against Hamilton

Hamilton says that he only got through the anguish because of the support he received from his fans. Articles haven't yet failed to point out that Hamilton is the first black driver in Formula 1 history.

Honestly saying him being black doesn't really make an impact to me. I just see him as I see every driver in Formula 1, I don't really think he is special being black. So everytime I see an article of him complaining about how unfair it is I just think he is being whiny. Clearly he doesn't know what it is like living in Malaysia then, where the different races are being discriminated almost everyday. Just recently the Chinese and Indians were just described as "Pendatangs" which translates into "comers" in English. Isn't that more discriminating than his black make up and wigs??

Maybe I just don't know what it is like to other countries who just couldn't accept it, but Lewis Hamilton will have to shut it and get on with his driving because in his world the only language is how you drive your car. He should feel lucky that those discriminators don't go all the way down to the pits to taunt him.

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