Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ferrari back to "lollipops"

IT was just announced, Ferrari are going to switch back to using the "lollipop" system instead of the light system that they have been using that caused the most humiliating pitstop in F1 history in the inaugural Singapore GP.

I don't know why they would bother since the "lollipop" may result in the same problem. I personally think that the light system is safer since it is controled by the refuelling nozzle. Just once there was a mistake and they are going to change it back to using the "lollipop". Well, let's just see who will volunteer to take the job since, as Alex Yoong says, it is the most important job during pit stops. Anybody thought that they can use both of the systems? The light system for normal times and the "lollipop" under unusual circumstances.

To Bernie Ecclestone(even though he wouldn't read this) IN YOUR FACE MAN!! the light system is for show off? If a bunch of teenagers can understand the concept and a person in his industry can't then he should really go back to school!

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